One morning I woke up to find a sticky note on the coffee maker that said "RTG" in my mom's writing. The coffee pot didn't have any leftover, old cold coffee from the morning before in it, and when I checked, there were fresh grounds in the filter and new water in the...water...compartment. It really was "RTG". It was pretty great. I pressed the button and went about the rest of my morning business.
The next morning the same sign was still there. The old coffee had been dumped out and there were fresh grounds and new water all ready for their coffee-making purposes.
The next few mornings were all the same in this aspect. Then one morning I was disappointed. The sign was still there, but there was old coffee in the coffee pot still. Hopeful, I checked to make sure my mom hadn't just put in the grounds and forgotten about the water, but no, there were used grounds there, as well. So I dumped out the grounds and the coffee, filled the machine with new water, and put fresh grounds in the filter. I can't remember if I left the sign there out of spite, or just accidentally, but the sign was definitely left there.
I think the same thing happened the next morning, but I don't know for sure. It's not entirely important. The important thing is that very shortly after The Morning There Was No Coffee, my mom had added "(really)" to the sticky note. I woke up and found this new addition and thought "hooray, she got the coffee ready!"
Sure enough, when I checked, there were fresh grounds in the filter and water in the water compartment.
I can't remember how long that lasted, but eventually my mom stopped pre-preparing the coffee. At some point she went out of town and my dad as the only one home, and he either didn't know that she was preparing the coffee, or else he didn't realize that now he should be the one to do it (if anyone was). Then my dad went out of town, and my mom had been gone long enough that I guess she forgot that she had been doing it, or whatever.
Anyway, I was back to making my own coffee in the morning.
Suffice it to say, I was not expecting this in the morning:
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