Saturday, December 18, 2010


Guys, I lost my iPod.  I'm really, really mad about this.  It's not in my backpack (I've checked three times) and it's not in any pocket of any of my coats.  It's not in my bathroom, it's not in the kitchen near my computer, it's not near the upstairs computer, it's not in my bedroom, and it's not in the laundry room.

I think it was stolen at school.  Either that or I left it somewhere at school, and some nice person picked it up and returned it to the main office.  Maybe.

I don't have enough faith in the world to believe that that's the case, though.

If you stole it, you're a terrible person.  If you know who stole it, and you haven't done anything about it yet, you're a terrible person.

If you've ever stolen anything, you're a terrible person.

I hate you.

I don't think I would be so mad if it weren't break right now.  I feel like it could be in the main office at school, and that's the only place I can't look.  I want it back before we leave for Pennsylvania/Massachusetts, because that is a RIDICULOUSLY LONG CAR RIDE and I basically hate any music my parents play, so I need to be able to blast my ears out with my own music to ignore anything they may choose to play.  I also need to be able to entertain myself during these more-than-thirteen-hours.

Basically, I hate every single one of you.  That is all.

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