Sunday, June 26, 2011

Grading Scale

My report card for the semester just came in. It always entertains me, coming from a relatively successful family, to notice the grading scale on the bottom of the page. It looks like this:

A - Excellent
B - Above Average
C - Average
D - Below Average
E - Faliure

I guess the reason I find this so entertaining is that I look at a C as a "Failure". Here's my parents' grading scale:

A - What You Should Be Getting
B - Mostly What You Are Getting
C - Failure
D - Their Computer Must Be Broken
E - Don't Even Look At Me You Unworthy Child

As a mostly A-B range student, I'm TERRIFIED of getting anything below a solid B. B- is too close to C, which would earn me The Stern Look, and the "Don't You Want To Get In To Northwestern?" speech. The answer is yes, I do, and the reason this speech became one of my mom's weapons is because my councilor, John, outright told me that, because of my GPA (about 3.5, 3.6) it's an unreasonable goal to try to get in to Northwestern. When my mom heard that, her reaction was basically "challenge accepted!"...

He's not actually a bad councilor...He's just...depressing.

For the record, I only have one B this semester, and the rest are some variation of the letter A. In case you care.

The point of this post is to put it on record, right now, that I am going to get straight A's next year and I am GOING to get in to Northwestern, damn it!

So, John, challenge accepted!

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